News of the chocolate factory MILLENNIUM

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Discover Europe


Новый вкус шоколада Швейцария     Новый вкус шоколада Миллениум - Германия     Новый вкус шоколада Миллениум - Испания     Новый вкус шоколада Миллениум - Бельгия     Новый вкус шоколада Миллениум - Франция

Discover Europe for yourself!


In early April under MILLENNIUM brand comes a new line of premium chocolate with a promising name Discover Europe.

The outstanding characteristic of this collection is absolutely new method of chocolate creation. Recipes are selected according to the preferences of a particular European country. For example, dark chocolate with salt is the leader of sales in Belgium, dark chocolate with orange is the bestseller in Spain, the French love milk chocolate, and conservative Germans and Swiss prefer chocolate with whole nuts and almonds.

Demanding customers will note the stylish design, developed in modern trends of the European market. Fresh colors, pastel palette and brief packaging with mat effect emphasize the uniqueness of the Discover Europe collection.

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